The Third Lesson

The first two lessons were the basics. You need to be really good at them to progress further and start making music as you feel like. It will also help you identify notes when listening to a particular tune and replay it on your own.
Moving to the third lesson in the series, it is a kind of sequel to the first lesson with some improvisations to provide us with a variety.
There are 2 parts to this lesson so I’ll go one by one. The first part consists of playing lesson one with two strums for each note, hence it will go like:
SaSa  ReRe  GaGa  MaMa  PaPa  DhaDha  NiNi  Sa’Sa’
 NiNi  DhaDHa  PaPa  MaMa  GaGa  ReRe  SaSa

The second part improvises on the previous part and introduces three strums for each note like:
SaSaSa  ReReRe  GaGaGa  MaMaMa  PaPaPa  DhaDhaDha  NiNiNi  Sa’Sa’Sa’
 NiNiNi  DhaDHaDha  PaPaPa  MaMaMa  GaGaGa  ReReRe  SaSaSa

The fun part is this varying the timing of the strokes for any of the above two parts gives a different sound and feeling. The second part of this lesson also helps in developing the continuing effect while playing the Rabab.
The link to the practical demonstration of the above two parts is given below:
At this point of time you will be able to move your fingers on the fret board quite easily which will pace up your learning curve.
As the Rabab is a traditional instrument, mostly played in the North West region of Pakistan, playing it for Pashto music is easier compared to western music. Therefore, you can watch, hear and try to play some tune from the Youtube. I’ll share tuning the Shahtaar and Buchi strings in the next lesson.
Till then Khuday Pa Amaan!


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